Synopsis: Shin-chan is all set to challenge Kung Fu in the Chinatown of Kasukabe city, known as “Aiya Town.” Shinnosuke and Kasukabe Defence Group are going to put up a totally no-stunt Kung Fu challenge on the stage.
(Source: Wikipedia)
(Source: Wikipedia)
Movie Information
- Title: Shinchan the Movie: Bakumori! Kung Fu Boys (2018)
- IMDb Rating: 6.3/10
- Genres: Action | Adventure | Comedy
- Quality: 480p | 720p | 1080p (HD)
- Auido Tracks : Hindi | Bengali | Tamil | Telugu | kannada | Malayalam
- Subtitle: English
- Running Time: 1hr 45 min
- Official Dub By: Sony Yay
- Encoder: Anime Dub Hindi