Synopsis: In the “Akatsuki Suppression Mission” arc of “Naruto Shippuden,” the Hidden Leaf Village mobilizes to thwart the dangerous plans of the criminal organization Akatsuki. Led by Naruto and his comrades, the ninja alliance engages in intense battles to protect their village and stop Akatsuki from capturing powerful tailed beasts. The arc is filled with action, strategy, and themes of sacrifice as the ninja confront formidable foes and strive to ensure the safety of their world.
Series Information
- Title: Naruto: Shippuden Akatsuki Suppression Mission
- IMDb Rating: 8.7/10
- Genres: Action | Adventure| Comedy | Shounen
- Quality: 480p | 720p | 1080p (HD)
- Audio Language: Hindi | Tamil | Malayalam
- Subtitle: English
- Total Episode: 17 (Season 4)
- Official Dub By: Sony Yay