Synopsis:Ja Wangnan can’t seem to pass the 20th floor. Even after failing time and time again, he refuses to give up. On his journey, he meets a mysterious and powerful character named Viole. Wangnan invites Viole to join his team of Regulars. Their journey continues with new challenges at every turn.
(Source: Crunchyroll)
Series Information
- Title: Tower of God
- IMDb Rating: ?/10
- Genres: Adventure | Action | Drama | Fanasy | Mystery
- Quality: 480p | 720p | 1080p (HD)
- Audio Tracks : Hindi | English | Japanese
- Subtitle: English
- Total Episode: 26 (Season 02)
- Official Dub By: Crunchyroll
- Encoder: Anime Dub Hindi
Bhai rising of the shield hero hindi dubbed idr upload kro please
plz upload 26 episode